Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Monday 30th September 2019 10.30 am (Item 9.)

Cabinet is asked to:


1. Come to a view on how the organisation is performing

2. Take action to improve performance where necessary



Cabinet received a summary report, scorecard and detailed measures for each of their portfolio areas and were asked to update on those areas that were being flagged as red.



  • All three indicators were green.


Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Public Health

  • Red - % of customer service centre calls abandoned was highlighted as a red indicator.  Mr Brown highlighted that performance depended on other pressures e.g. the recent spike in calls due to the home to school transport issue.
  • Red - Number of library signposting and referrals was slightly under target but was an increase on the same time last year.  The drop was due to a disruption to internal record keeping and this would be a priority going forward so would bring in line with target.


Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

  • Red – Delayed transfer of care.  There had been a myriad of improvements however the target was hard to maintain.  Health and social care now worked within shared office space at Stoke Mandeville and Wexham Park.  There would also be further development of integrated health and social care discharge teams to reduce hand offs and delays.  This remained a high priority.
  • Red - % service users that received an annual review was an indicator that could not be benchmarked against other councils.  A Team Manager was now in post and there had been an increased target for each officer of the review team.
  • Red - % of people accessing reablement who have an outcome of improved independence was slightly under the 50% target at 46%.  It was highlighted that the service was being redesigned and there was a focus on the development of an integrated therapy led service expected to be in place by winter.  The service would be a strength based approach and focus on use of technology to build resilience and independence.
  • Mrs Cranmer noted the performance on reablement and stated that although the indicator was red the performance was just below target and something for the service to be proud of.


Deputy Cabinet Member for Children’s Services

  • The service was reporting six greens, one amber and no reds.
  • Indicators were going in the right direction with a focus still on further improvement.
  • The service had a lot to be proud of.


Cabinet Member for Education and Skills

  • Red - % new Education Health and Care plans (EHC) issues within 20 weeks (excluding exceptions).  Mrs Cranmer highlighted that the data reflected performance January to June while the service was dealing with a backlog of 123.  There had been improvements since then and it was hoped that the target would be reached by year end.
  • Mrs Cranmer also highlighted the green indicator relating to % of pupils attending schools rated good and outstanding by Ofsted and stated that this was above national average.


Deputy Cabinet Member for Resources

  • Red - £ value of unsecured debt over 90 days.  Mr Bagge highlighted that a third of the billing had been raised in the last quarter which coincided with the end of the financial year so these had now fallen into the ‘over 90 days’ category.  Those over 90 days were being picked up by the Corporate Debt Management Team.
  • Red - % voluntary turnover had increased over the last year in particular in Children’s Services and Communities, Health and Adult Social Care.  Some increases reflected service restructures and improvement programmes and would take time to even back out.


Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment

  • Red - % of household waste collected for recycling, reuse, composting or anaerobic digestion.  The current score was 52.3% against a 60% target following the introduction of charges at household waste recycling centres.  Mr Chapple highlighted that data from Wycombe District Council was not included as had not been submitted as was still being validated.  Mr Chapple stated that the service performed well being ranked 33rd out 350 across the country.
  • Mr Chapple highlighted the green indicator % of sustainable drainage applications responded to within 21 days and reiterated his earlier thanks to staff in recent heavy rainfall and the work carried out by Transport for Bucks to clear the roads.
  • Green – Visitor numbers to Country Parks were still good with Black Park being used for a number of films and in the TripAdvisor ‘Hall of Fame’.  Visitor numbers were expected to hit 1m again this year.
  • Mr Chapple also highlighted the KPI that related to Rights of Way and stated that a recent issue at Thorny Bridge was being sorted out as soon possible as this was a popular route and the alternative meant using the road.


Cabinet Member for Transportation

  • There were no red indicators.
  • Mr Shaw highlighted the performance of repairs to category 1 defects repaired in 2 days at 99% and stated that this highlighted quality of work and additional monies added from central government.  Mr Shaw also highlighted the recent visit from Mr Pothole UK who gave the opinion that he had seen great improvement and Buckinghamshire County Council was now one of the best highways authorities.


Cabinet was asked to:


1. Come to a view on how the organisation is performing.

2. Take action to improve performance where necessary.


RESOLVED: Cabinet was satisfied in relation to the organisation’s performance, and the steps highlighted to bring about further improvements.


Supporting documents: